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image illustrating Fibonacci Sequence

November 23 has been designated a Fibonacci day, commemorating the medieval Italian mathematician who developed a set of integers that gamblers have used for centuries to achieve bigger and better wins at their real money games. November 23 was chosen because, when writing the date in the mm/dd format (11/23), the date’s digits form a Fibonacci sequence that is presented as 1,1,2,3.

SlotoCash casino invites all players, regardless of their preferred games, to participate in the Fibonacci Day festivities with special games, big casino bonus giveaways and more. SlotoCash has gaming options for everyone so regardless of whether you enjoy table games like blackjack, roulette and poker, 3-reel and 5-reel slots or specialty and lottery games, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to test out the Fibonacci sequence as you play real money games on your PC or mobile device.

What is the Fibonacci Sequence?

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two that came before it. Starting at 0 and 1, the first 10 numbers of the sequence are 0, 1, 1 (0 = 1 = 1), 2, 3, (2 + 3 = 5)  5, 8 (5+ 8 = 13),  13, 21 (13 + 21 = 34), 34, and so on forever. Fibonacci didn’t actually discover the system but he was the first to publish it – it is first mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts that date back to 200 B.C.E.

Real World Application

In the real world, the Fibonacci sequence has practical applications in various fields. It’s used for population growth modeling, stock market analysis, and determining stop-loss levels. Businesses use it to set price targets and place entry orders.

It is a useful tool in high-tech for creating computer algorithms and heaping data structures in interconnecting distributed and parallel systems. Data coders use the Fibonacci sequence to analyze data while biologists and physicists rely on the sequence as a comparison method in the observation of various elements of nature science.


Fibonacci was forgotten for centuries but in the 1700s, his work was rediscovered and new uses started to be proposed using this sequence. It was particularly noted that the Fibonacci sequence is closely related to the golden ratio -- a ratio between two numbers that equals approximately 1.618 – which is often seen in nature. This includes the percentage of mother’s and father’s DNA in honeybees, the spirals of sunflower seeds inside the sunflower and of the pinecone spiral patterns, and the number of flower petals in many flowers.

Even more interesting is the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio which is displayed in the human body. This can be observed in faces (face width to height, eye distance to nose width, nose to lip ratio and mouth width to nose width), hands and arms (length of forearm and length of your hand and distance from the forearm to the shoulder), fingers (length of each section of your forefinger) and your DNA (structure of the DNA molecule and cycle of DNA’s double helix).

Fibonacci in Gaming

The study of the Fibonacci system continues to keep mathematicians busy.  The Fibonacci Association was created in 1965 to further the study of the Fibonacci sequence and the scientific Fibonacci Quarterly Journal is published quarterly with research articles, expository articles and a variety of problems and solutions related to the Fibonacci numbers.

One area where the Fibonacci sequence has had a significant impact is in the gaming world. Gambling enthusiasts created a betting system based on the Fibonacci system which is built on the idea that you increase your stakes following a losing wager with the belief that doing so will lead to you winning more money. It’s a negative progression system that posits that, if you follow the sequence, you’re likely to have higher stakes on winning wagers than you are on losing wagers.

The Fibonacci betting system is not complicated. It’s a betting system for even bets -- most commonly for outside roulette bets (odds or evens, blacks or whites, etc) and in craps for the pass or don’t pass wagers. It can also be used for even bets in blackjack or baccarat. If you’re going to use the system, it’s a good idea to memorize the sequence so that your gameplay moves smoothly.

To use the Fibonacci system, decide on your bet amount – it’s suggested that you start off with a small bet. Your first wager is one single betting unit – this corresponds to the first number in the Fibonacci sequence (the zero is ignored).  If you lose, you move to the next number in the sequence for your bet and that’s the number of betting units that you would deposit for your second bet. After every loss, you move to the next number in the sequence.

If you win your bet, you move down TWO numbers in the sequence. So, if you deposited 8 units and won, you bet three units the next time. There are a few exceptions to this rule.

Fans of the Fibonacci system for gambling believe that the system helps them recover losses. When you place a larger subsequent water, they say, you can gain back what you’ve lost and enjoy more profit.

Pay tribute to Leonardo Fibonacci and celebrate Fibonacci Day at the SlotoCash Casino with some gaming fun and excitement!