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ideas for topics of discussion for a first date

Sometimes, the idea of going out on the dreaded first date is so overwhelming that you may consider simply staying home. Meeting someone for the first time, trying to put your best foot forward and attempting to get to know the person sitting across the table from you can be stressful. Sloto Cash casino puts emphasis on social gaming extends to all things social – including becoming more socially comfortable in traditionally awkward situations. 

Check out some of our top discussion topics for that nerve-wracking first date:

First Date

If you’re putting yourself out there to search for a partner, you’ll have to date. Dating is simply the way that you get to know the person that you intend to invest in some sort of romantic way. Relationship experts have many suggestion for people setting out on their first date – be yourself, choose a place to meet where you know that you’ll feel comfortable and spend some time talking to the person by phone before the date so that you don’t start out cold.

One of the most important tips for a successful first date involves arming yourself with a list of topics that will both help to keep the conversation moving and will help you avoid awkward, quiet gaps. If you have your own list that you’ve developed, that’s great. If however, you need some helpful ideas, consider some of these popular first date topics. 


For some people, talking about genealogy might be sensitive. But for others, it opens the door to the ability to discuss ancestry, history, ancestry and often, interesting tidbits about the family. Most people are curious about their lineage and many have interesting stories that have been unearthed or passed along from generation to generation. Instead of asking your date to tell you about their family, which may seem intrusive, you might ask them “are you interested in genealogy? Have you ever researched your family tree?” to open the discussion up to  some interesting conversational material.


Most people like to travel, dream about travel and talk about travel. You can ask about your date’s past travels or you can open the subject wide up by asking, “if you could get on a plane, where would you want to go?” The conversation will not only tell you a bit about your date’s interests and sense of adventure, but you can consider how the person’s interest line up with your own. The conversation will probably lead into other avenues as well – your past travels, interesting experiences while traveling, thoughts about other cultures, and so on.


Food is another topic that many people enjoy discussing.  Some people have favorite restaurants, others love to cook, some are passionate about a specific ethnic type of food and some just like to eat! The subject of food can be broached in many ways – ask your date whether s/he has a favorite restaurant, favored food or specialty dish that s/he likes to cook or just ask “what’s the best meal that you ever had?”


Many people, especially singles, move to cities far from where they were raised for work. But they still like to talk about home. Talking about home often opens up a floodgate of memories so when you ask them to talk a bit about where they grew up, you might have quite a bit of conversation ahead of you. 

Bucket List

“What’s on your bucket list?” is a question that can give you lots to talk about and tell you quite a bit about your date. A ‘bucket list’ is the term that’s been popularized as describing what a person wants to do before they ‘kick the bucket.” If your date committed to family and would want to spend more time with his or her loved ones, an adventurer who would like to go somewhere or do something that’s a bit wild, or perhaps someone with an artistic soul that they’d like have a chance to express.  Whatever the answer, it’s bound to be an interesting look into the person’s inner persona.


“What’s something that I wouldn’t guess about you?”  The question can revealing, depending on who you’re speaking with and how open they’re ready to be with you. Some people think that this is a question for a second, or third date, but you can try it out on a first date and see where it gets you.  Maybe the tattooed lady sitting across the table from you is an opera-lover. Or maybe the guy who is wearing spectacles and a suit and tie spends his weekends on his surfboard.  Who knows? It’s worth asking.  


Money can’t buy happiness but it goes a long way to helping us get there. Try asking “if you were to get a million dollars tomorrow, what would you do?”  Some people will say outright that they’d put it in savings, invest it or use it for a needed purchase. Others will tell you honestly that they’d use it to travel, make a impulsive purchase or embark on an adventure. There’s no right answer but it’s interesting to hear how people view “found money” and will give you an idea of who you’re speaking with.

Best Times of Your Life

A thought-provoking question might be “what was the best time of your life?” You might want to rephrase it, “what was the most significant event of your life” or even “if you could re-experience something, what would it be?”  That can open up wide the conversation as you learn about important events and happenings that have impacted your date’s life.

As you think about the questions that you’re going to ask to get the conversation going, consider your own answers to those questions. Those are the answers that are going to tell your date about you.  What do you want to reveal? What are you not yet ready to discuss?  Are you looking for your date to make you laugh? Think deeply? Entertain you? 

How about a date who likes a good evening playing SlotoCash games?  Slots your fav?  Blackjack?  Progressive jackpots?  You're sure to find common ground for a few good hours of fun togeher.  And then....who knows?