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Strange laws around the world - from your Slotocash Lifestyle peeps

Laws are created for a wide variety of reasons but in essence, laws exist in order to create and maintain order within a society. Sometimes laws reflect specific cultural values but other times they can be traced back to a certain incident, fear or historical event that convinced lawmakers that they were necessary.

The SlotoCash online casino slots real money casino examines some of these unusual laws:

Chewing Gum in Singapore

Singapore has a reputation as a country where serious attention is paid to keeping things clean and orderly. In the 1980s government officials were disturbed to find that discarded chewing gum was found stuck on seats of public buses, left on the ground, stuck on pavements and stairways.

But when they saw it being used by vandals to slow down the Mass Rapid Transit railway system, then-Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong supported a complete ban on the import, sale and use of chewing gum in the country with fines of up to S$2000 for violations.

Since that time the ban has been partially lifted to allow for the sale of sugar-free gum that strengthens tooth enamel and other medicinal gums. Sale is allowed only by dentists or pharmacists who are obligated to keep a record of the names of buyers.

Hiking Naked in Switzerland

After some Alps hikers decided that they wanted to experience the Alps au natural, Switzerland’s high court upheld local authorities’ decision to fine people who trek the Alps in the nude.

The court ruling, from 2011, upheld the fine imposed by the eastern canton (region) of Appenzell which levied the fine due to a breach of its laws of public decency. Naked hiking had become increasingly popular but the region now enforces regulations on public decency so naked hikers must look elsewhere for their naked exercise.

Drinking Underage in Illinois

In Illinois, underage students studying the culinary arts can learn about wines by sipping the wines – but only if they spit it out afterward. The “Sip and Spit Law” enshrines the legalities of sipping and spitting.

Feeding Pigeons in Venice, Italy

Pictures of tourists feeding pigeons in Saint Mark’s Square have always highlighted the tourist experience in Venice but as of 2008, that tradition is a thing of the past. That’s when  Venice lawmakers passed a law to make it illegal to feed pigeons.

The new law was precipitated by estimates from city workers who said that it was costing hundreds of thousands of Euros every year to clean up the pigeon’s droppings. In addition, the explosion in the pigeon population was endangering the city’s marble buildings and statues as the pigeons pecked at small gaps in the façade while they reached in for scraps of food that had been blown inside.

Now, if you’re caught feeding pigeons in Venice, you face a fine of up to €700. It’s also illegal to picnic in the square or drop food wrappers.

Getting False Teeth in Vermont

After a man was ordered to pay for “a plate of mineral teeth” in 1856, the State of Vermont passed a law that mandates that, if a woman needs false teeth, she must first get permission from her husband. The law has never been overturned but it has also never been enforced.

Walking Your Cow Down the Street

If you need to walk your cows down the street in England you must wait until nightfall. The Metropolitan Streets Act of 1867 states that, between the hours of 10:00 am and 7:00 pm, you must ask specific permission from the Police Commissioner if you need to walk cows down the street.

Once night falls, you can bring them down the street. Penalties for contravening the law can reach “ten shilling for each head of cattle so driven or conducted.”

Winnie the Pooh in Poland

Did you ever notice that Winnie the Pooh doesn’t wear pants? Evidently, some town councilors in Tuszyn, Poland, did and as a result, they refused to allow his likeness to be featured on a new city playground that was to be named for the famous honey-guzzler. The councilors said that it was 'inappropriate' for Pooh’s likeness to be featured.'

Councillor Ryszard Cichy explained that “The problem with that bear is it doesn’t have a complete wardrobe. It is half naked, which is wholly inappropriate for children.” Cichy suggested that the playground be named after a Polish children’s bear character Mis Uszatek who is fully dressed.

Walking your Dog in Turin, Italy

If you’re a dog in Turin, Italy, the law will support your need to get out for your walk three times a day. Dog owners face fines of up to €500 if they don’t walk their dogs at least three times a day.

Turin places this law under their strict anti-cruelty-to-animals laws and enforcement is reliant on tipsters – or, in other parlance, snitches.

Driving in America

Drivers in America should know that they cannot:

  • Wash their neighbor’s car without permission in Los Angeles.
  • Drive blindfolded in Alabama.
  • Run out of gas in Youngstown, Ohio.
  • Drive a black car in Denver on a Sunday.
  • Drive a car in reverse on public roads in Arizona.
  • Drive while your dog is tied to your car in Alaska.

'nuff said!