casino news

August is bound to release heat at some serious infrared wavelengths with the help of a couple of energetic bonuses and a special something to cool up – a $100 Free Chip!

Hot wins will be beamed right into your account this brand new month as soon as you make a $30 deposit! Summer celebrations will be taken to new heights when you first play with a 150% Match, continue the fun times towards a 200% Bonus and head in the direction of a $100 FREE Chip!

The temperature will surely rise this summer along with your wins when you make a minimum deposit of only $30 that will turn your sunny days into winning ones before August 15th!

150% 1st August Bonus
Redeem Code: 150AUGSUMMER

200% 2nd August Bonus
Redeem Code: 200AUGSUMMER

$100 Free Chip!
Redeem Code: FREE100AUG
