casino news

This May you get to be happy on purpose simply for making a deposit and enjoying a couple of huge bonuses plus a $100 FREE Chip!

There’s nothing wrong with letting a little sunshine into your life this May. Nothing beats instant happiness and you can get a head start this new month when you play with a couple of happy bonuses! First you get to enjoy your favorite games with a 150% Bonus ($35 Min. Dep), continue adding rays of light with a 200% Bonus ($35 Min. Dep) and draw a huge smile on your face when you claim a $100 FREE Chip!

Wake up and smile this May with a duo of shining bonuses and a $100 Chip that’s yours to play with!

150% 1st Sunshine Bonus

200% 2nd Sunshine Bonus

$100 Free Gift!
Redeem Code: FREE100SHINE
