wild fire 7s

The number 7 is the world’s most popular number. Surveys have shown that this number is chosen as a favorite above all other numbers. As many as 1 in 10 people consider the number 7 to be their lucky number.

So, what’s so lucky about the number 7?

To begin with, there are a lot of areas you will find this number. There are 7 days to the week, 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 continents, 7 wonders in the ancient world and the list goes on and on.

Even within religious literature, the number 7 keeps a prominent rule. In the book of Genesis, God is said to have created the world in 7 days. In Judaism, there are 7 heavens. Muslims that make their pilgrimage to Mecca, walk around the Kaaba 7 times.

The number 7 is also unique from a mathematical point of view. It is the largest prime number between the numbers 1 and 10. (A prime number is a number that is divisible only by itself and 1.)

Popular culture has also played a role in boosting the popularity of the number 7. It is famously the code number for James Bond and Walt Disney chose to have 7 dwarfs for Snow White.

Many ancient societies have worshipped the number 7, so perhaps there is something magical about this number. It is therefore a great boon that our latest game is all about the number 7!