“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” — Viktor Frankl

We are finally saying goodbye to a year that has challenged most of us in very deep ways. A great portion of humanity has been pushed to the limit this year and forced to rethink the way they carry out our lives. For better or worse, we’ve had to abandon plans, reinvent our careers, postpone celebrations and endure financial and emotional hardship. As we close the first year of this decade, here are some important reflections that can help us be better prepared for the future.


Not all of us had to experience the painful suffering of COVID-19 patients in the hospital, but those that did, quickly discovered how health is the most important foundation in our lives. We have learnt that being physically strong and healthy will help us endure the challenges that life puts in our way. Make your health a priority in 2021 by eating healthy, doing exercise, sleeping well, laughing regularly and by developing deep human relationships that will strengthen your sense of well-being.


As radical and long-drawn 2020 has been, we are about to cross over to a new year. This is an important reminder that all things shall pass, no situation or circumstance is permanent. This year we were compelled to face and accept many harsh realities and it is fundamental that we do not succumb to despair. Have hope that life will change even when you are at your lowest point and try to develop an attitude of trust in life. It won’t take long before you notice yourself moving more freely and confidently in your day-to-day. 


Many of us lost our jobs, had to close businesses, or cut down on working hours and, in that process, we had to reinvent ourselves to find ways to make a living. We suddenly started discovering that we are a problem-solving species that can generally find ways of fixing a situation. Work we thought could only be done in the office is suddenly carried out perfectly remotely. Local businesses found ways to make their products available through the vast technology we employ today. Next time you encounter an obstacle, take a deep breath and be confident that you will find a solution, if you truly apply yourself to the problem.


When the pandemic started going full throttle many of us saw how our plans began to literally disintegrate. Plan A became plan B and then Plan C, until we had no plans left. Whether we wanted or not, we had to remain open to an uncertain future and this can feel very uncomfortable. We are beings that enjoy routines and structure; and here was 2020 dissolving all of that. Patience is one of the virtues that allow us to be in the present moment without desiring any particular outcome. The more you cultivate patience, the more calm and still you will become, no matter what kind of curve ball life throws at you.