We are building a community of players around Sloto’Cash that can reduce the house edge to a minimum and get fair results at our games. When you win at Sloto’Cash, you can bet we will pay you fast!

Here is another tip to make you a successful player:   

Become resilient

Let’s say you come to play today with $150. You want it to last two days, so you set a limit as to how much you can bust today, say $75. You start playing and the games are tight. Ten minutes later you have wagered down half your deposit and sit angered about how little returns you’ve received. This is a crossroads where you have to be careful: 

  • Most players will feel an urge to continue playing to get a little return for the day. Out of their frustration, they might end up losing all their deposit in a single day and pass up on their original plan to use the deposit over a couple of days. 

  • Stay calm under any situation and learn to grow resilient against adversity. You can be flexible with your rules. For example, if you still want to try your luck on the same day, set aside $10 extra dollars but put that as the final limit. If no payout comes, try again the next day as it was your plan all along. 

Being a smart player pays off at Sloto’Cash – join our community of successful players today and start building up your bankroll.